- M. Mir, W. Yan, P. Dutta, D. Giustiniano, A. Varshney. "TunnelLiFi: Bringing LiFi to Commodity Internet of Things Devices", ACM Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile), 2023. [PDF]
- D. Frometa, M. Mir, B. Genoves, D. Giustiniano. "Visible Light or Infrared? Modulating LiFi for Dual Operation in the Visible and Infrared Spectra", IEEE Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS), 2023. [PDF]
- B. Genoves, M. Mir, D. Frometa, A. Galisteo, Q. Wang, D. Giustiniano, "Prototyping Visible Light Communication for the Internet of Things Using OpenVLC ", IEEE Communications Magazine, 2023. [PDF]
- B. Genoves, et. al. "Towards sustainable greenhouses using battery-free LiFi-enabled Internet of Things", IEEE Communications Magazine, 2023.
- M. Mir, B. Genoves, A. Varshney, D. Giustiniano, "PassiveLiFi: Rethinking LiFi for Low-Power and Long Range RF Backscatter”, ACM Mobicom 2021. [PDF] [Video1] [Video2_Spanish] [Video3_Spanish]
- C. Lin, Y. Yu, J. Xiong, Y. Zhang, L. Wang, G. Wu, and Z. Luo. "Shrimp: A Robust Underwater Visible Light Communication System", ACM Mobicom 2021.
- M. Cui, Q. Wang, J. Xiong, "RadioInLight: Doubling the Data Rate of VLC Systems", ACM Mobicom 2021.
- J. Talavante, B. Genovés, D. Giustiniano. "Multi-cell Deployment for Experimental Research in Visible Light Communication-based Internet of Things", ACM Workshop on Internet of Lights 2021, co-located with ACM Mobisys 2021.
- K. Ngo, S. Mangione, I. Tinnirello, "Exploiting EDCA for Feedback Channels in Hybrid VLC/WiFi Architectures", MedComNet 2021.
- M. Cui, Y. Feng, Q. Wang, and J. Xiong. "Sniffing visible light communication through walls", ACM Mobicom 2020.
- A. Galisteo, P. Marcocci, M. Zuniga, L. Mucchi, B. G. Guzmán and D. Giustiniano, "Filtering Visible Light Reflections with a Single-Pixel Photodetector", IEEE SECON 2020
- M. Mir, B. Genovés, A. Galisteo, D. Giustiniano, “Non-linearity of LEDs for VLC IoT applications”,
Light Up the IoT Workshop Co-located with ACM MobiCom 2020. [PDF]
- A. Galisteo, D. Varshney, D. Giustiniano, "Two to Tango: Hybrid Light and Backscatter Networks for Next Billion Devices", ACM Mobisys 2020. [PDF]
- J. Beysens, Q. Wang, A. Galisteo, D. Giustiniano and S. Pollin, "A Cell-Free Networking System With Visible Light", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2020. [PDF]
- M. Haus, A. Yi Ding, J. Ott, "LocalVLC: Augment Smart IoT Services with Practical Visible Light Communication", IEEE WoWMoM 2019.
- A. Galisteo, D. Juara, H. Cordobes, and D. Giustiniano. 2019. "Demo: Video Transmission Using Low-Cost Visible Light Communication", Demo at ACM Mobihoc '19. [PDF]
- A. Galisteo, D. Juara, D. Giustiniano, "Research in Visible Light Communication Systems with OpenVLC1.3", IEEE WF-IoT 2019. [PDF] [Video]
- L. Matheus, L. Pires, A. Vieira, L. Vieira, M. Vieira, J. Nacif. "The internet of light: Impact of colors in LED‐to‐LED visible light communication systems". Internet Technology Letters 2019.
- L. Matheus, A. Vieira, M. Vieira, L. Vieira, "DYRP-VLC: A dynamic routing protocol for Wireless Ad-Hoc Visible Light Communication Networks", Ad Hoc Networks, 2019.
- J. Beysens, A. Galisteo, Q. Wang, D. Juara, D. Giustiniano, S. Pollin, "DenseVLC: A Cell-Free Massive MIMO System with Distributed LEDs", ACM CoNEXT 2018. [PDF] [Video]
- A. Galisteo, D. Juara, Q. Wang, D. Giustiniano. "OpenVLC1.2: Achieving Higher Throughput in Low-End Visible Light Communication Networks". WONS 2018. [PDF]
- Q. Wang, D. Giustiniano, M. Zuniga. "In Light and In Darkness, In Motion and In Stillness: A Reliable and Adaptive Receiver for the Internet of Lights". IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), 2018. [PDF]
- H. Wu, Q. Wang, J. Xiong, M. Zuniga. "SmartVLC: When Smart Lighting Meets VLC". ACM CoNEXT 2017. [PDF]
- A. Galisteo, Q. Wang, A. Deshpande, M. Zuniga, D. Giustiniano. "Follow that Light: Leveraging LEDs for Relative Two-Dimensional Localization". ACM CoNEXT 2017. [PDF]
- Q. Wang, M. Zuniga, D. Giustiniano. "Passive Communication with Ambient Light". ACM CoNEXT 2016. [PDF]
- Q. Wang, D. Donno, D. Giustiniano, "Research Platform for Visible Light Communication and Sensing Systems", Demo at ACM IPSN 2016.
- S. Yin and O. Gnawali, "Towards Embedded Visible Light Communication Robust to Dynamic Ambient Light", IEEE GLOBECOM 2016.
- Q. Wang, D. Giustiniano, "Intra-Frame Bidirectional Transmission in Networks of Visible LEDs", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2016.
- M. Heydariaan , S. Yin, O. Gnawali, D. Puccinelli , D. Giustiniano, "Embedded Visible Light Communication: Link Measurements and Interpretation", EWSN workshop on New Wireless Communication Paradigms for the Internet of Things, 2016.
- Q. Wang, D. Giustiniano, O. Gnawali, "Low-Cost, Flexible and Open Platform for Visible Light Communication Networks", ACM HotWireless 2015, ACM MobiCom 2015. [PDF]
- Q. Wang, S. Yin, O. Gnawali, D. Giustiniano, "Demo: OpenVLC1.0 Platform for Research in Visible Light Communication Networks", Demo at ACM MobiCom 2015.
- D. Giustiniano, Q. Wang, "OpenVLC, an Open-Source Platform for the Internet of Light", IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series (invited), 2015. [PDF]
- Q. Wang, D. Giustiniano, D. Puccinelli, "An Open-Source Research Platform for Embedded Visible Light Networking", IEEE Wireless Communications 2015.
- Q. Wang, D. Giustiniano, "Communication Networks of Visible Light Emitting Diodes with Intra-Frame Bidirectional Transmission", ACM CoNEXT 2014.
- Q. Wang, D. Giustiniano, D. Puccinelli, "OpenVLC: Software-Defined Visible Light Embedded Networks", ACM VLCS workshop, ACM Mobicom 2014.
- Q. Wang, D. Giustiniano, D. Puccinelli, "OpenVLC: Software-Defined Open Architecture for Embedded Visible Light Networks", Demo at ACM VLCS workshop, ACM Mobicom 2014.